Wednesday, October 12, 2011


     The Fantastic Four, The X-men, The Hulk, The Silver Surfer, Darkseid, and of course Capt. America.

Jacob Klurtzberg was born on August 28, 1917 in New York City, to poor parents. His father was a
tailor from Austria, runing from the German Mob around the turn of 1900 [No wonder where he got that
gun-ho spirit]. Jack used to draw on the walls with charcoal in his rudowned Lower Eastside Essex Street
tenement. Can you image the worlds he must have created? I'm sure some of them flowed through to his
professional, so you can :]

Jack was the shortest guy in the room, But he stood up to the Mop. He created rings around his co-workers, but he shared his success. Jack help create billion dollar franchises and was never truly rewarded
for it :[

He was so fast he could draw up to 4 comics a month, when most were struggling with just one. 


             Asguard, New Genesis, Apokolips, Attilan. he dreamed or worlds for us, better then us!

                       You help to give us the modern hero comic.
You gave us the Kirby Dots.
                                                            You gave us COUNTLESS characters.
                                                            You gave us a life time of fun.
                                                            You gave us.... bigger dreams.

                                     Thank you My King, for letting us stand on your shoulders.

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