Tuesday, October 11, 2011


                                                         Water,... be water my friend.

He gave us the Way of the Intercepting Fist. A "non-form" of martial arts which insists that you flow with
combat, not structure yourself to a ridget predetermined plan. This "non-style" had no real set of martial
manuvers like his previous style Jeet kune do. Instead this new "form" focused on raw physics meeting
biology, speed, and self control. Allowing it's user to be the most adaptive combatant on the battlefield.

However, Bruce was more than just martial arts. He wanted to give the world it's first international asian hero, and during a time when China and the United States were not "friends" his sheer will and charisma 
accomplished this feat.

                     You gave us Jeet Kune Do
                     You reintroduced us to nunchucks.
                     You gave us Enter the Dragon.
                     You gave us our first real Chiniese Hero.
                     You gave us modern western martial arts.
                     You gave us....Water.


                              Thank you Bruce Lee for "truly expressing yourself."

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