Tuesday, October 11, 2011


When my mother first heard my voice drop she cried, knowing that her son will never be a little boy again.

This soulful balladeer was born Barrence Eugene Carter on September 12, 1944. This older brother of two boys, was born in Galveston Texas, but grew up gang banging on the streets of South Central Los Angeles.
Believe it. Whats even more amazing is that all along he was listening to his kind hearted mother's classical
music [Now we know where it came from]. He later pulled himself out of the ghetto and combined the funk
of the streets with his mother's caring sensibilites to his art. That plus his booming deep voice came together
to create one of the worlds sexiest singer song writers.

More women half came out of their panties swaying to Barry then any other. Five Grammys, over 100 million records sold, and a multigenerational sexy image, made him what we called The Maestro.


                               You gave us sultre male disco.
                               You gave us the sexy big-fella image.
                               You gave us love songs galore.
                               You gave us baritone cool.

                                      Thank You Barry,... for teaching us what baritone sexy is.

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